As you may be aware following earlier reporting, this year your Union secured a significant increase to the Retail shoe subsidy – which was increased to a maximum of $250.

This improvement was a hard fought win for CWU members, following your consistent feedback regarding the increasing costs associated with maintaining retail footwear requirements.

However, this increase was initially subject to members not claiming more than $250 under the hosiery subsidy – a condition your Union has continued to push back.

As such, and following further lengthy talks with Australia Post, we are proud to report to members that common sense has prevailed, and this increase will now be simplified.

From 1 January 2025, the shoe and hosiery subsidies will now be treated separately – allowing members to claim up to $250 for shoes, regardless of any hosiery claims.

For clarity, members may claim reimbursement for multiple pairs of shoes, provided they are listed on a single receipt and the total amount does not exceed $250.

We are extremely proud to communicate this outcome to you.

Outcomes like this are not just won at the negotiating table. Our strength and influence comes directly from the backing of thousands of CWU members in post offices across the country – speaking with one voice, through their Union.

This significant outcome is just another demonstration of the value of CWU membership in retail at Australia Post and why your colleagues, who may not yet be members, should join today.

You can join online today by clicking here.

Should you require any further information, please contact Assistant Secretaries Cameron Bird, Peter Chaloner or Nick Townsend, or Branch Officials Cade Anderson, Lisa Bahls, Nick Bentley, Chris Gleeson, Phil Kessey, TK Ly, Robbie McLauchlan, Kyle Murphy, Liam Murphy, Peter O’Connell, Brett O’Neill, Peter Psomas, Giselle Saba, Kerry Turner or Dennis Williams on (02) 9893 7822 when calling from NSW or the ACT, (07) 3255 0440 from QLD or (08) 8443 7389 from SA or the NT.

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