It has been a big year for our members. Together, we have confronted challenges nobody could have predicted. Just as our members and many of our communities have stared off some of the nation’s worst natural disasters: extraordinarily devastating bushfires and floods, we were confronted with a once in 100 year pandemic. For workers, business and government alike, the challenges
It is with great sadness that I inform members of Gil Enzon’s retirement. Gil officially finished up with the CEPU last Friday, 16 August. His retirement from the workforce marks the end of a stellar career with the Union, spanning over more than two decades – along with 31 years of continuous financial membership of our Union. Gil started his career
Members would be well aware by now of Australia Post’s unilateral change to the Authorised Holiday. Hiding behind the Principal Determination, made under the authority of the Australian Postal Corporation Act, they tore away what has traditionally been your only opportunity to spend a little additional time with friends and loved ones following the busiest time of year. And they
The Union is today celebrating a massive win off the back of an incredible campaign effort by CEPU members across the country. Just ahead of the Senate’s inquiry hearing into Australia Post’s regulatory changes, Australia Post and the CEPU have entered into agreements which provide the following outcomes for members: One in four delivery jobs will no longer be cut from the delivery model All posties employed at
In the last sitting of Parliament, the Senate referred the future of Australia Post’s service delivery for inquiry to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee. You can read and download a copy of that submission by clicking here You can click here to read and download a copy of a discussion paper, entitled The Future of Australia Post, authored by independent think tank Per Capita, commissioned by the CEPU,
Early on, as the COVID-19 pandemic began to emerge in Australia, the Branch moved to suspend its workplace visit program, restrict public access to its Office location and roster attendance of its Officials, industrial staff and administration team in a way which minimises close physical contact with each other. Although ad-hoc attendance of Officials at members’ workplaces have proceeded where
Many members would, by now, be aware of the temporary changes to Australia Post’s service standards, announced today by the Morrison Government. In a nutshell, Australia Post will now operate under the following temporary relaxation in regulatory requirements: Its required delivery time for regular intrastate letters will be extended to five days after the day of posting; In metropolitan areas,
The Morrison Government has made it easier for employers to cut workers’ pay and conditions by allowing employers to give just one day’s notice before opening a vote on changes to your EBAs – bypassing the proper consultation period with you and your Union. These changes were introduced following pressure from big business, and with the stroke of the Minister’s
A PDF version of this notice is available to download and print by clicking here There are now 11 confirmed cases of Coronavirus within the Australia Post workforce. Seven of which have not been at work and therefore don’t present as a risk to others. However, the remaining four, who ordinarily work at Kingsgrove Delivery, Sydney Gateway Facility and Sydney
A statement from your Union leadership team Since the birth of our industries, the establishment of the PMG, communication workers across our postal and telecommunications workforces have played a historically significant role in connecting our community. Even in times of crisis – natural disasters, conflict, economic calamity – our members have always been there, steadily reaching every Australian home and business in their