As you may be aware following earlier reporting, this year your Union secured a significant increase to the Retail shoe subsidy – which was increased to a maximum of $250. This improvement was a hard fought win for CWU members, following your consistent feedback regarding the increasing costs associated with maintaining retail footwear requirements. However, this increase was initially subject
For some time, the Union has advocated for an increase to the Travelling Allowance rates, payable to members who are required to travel whilst undertaking their duties at Australia Post, and the District Allowance rates, payable to members living and working in certain remote localities. We are pleased to announce that those rates have now been increased. The new table of travelling allowance rates
Voting in the EBA11 ballot of employees has now closed, and members across the country have thrown their overwhelming support behind their new Enterprise Agreement. EBA11 will lock-in all your existing rights at work, without any trade-offs, continue to maximise full-time jobs as the preferred employment model at Australia Post, protects the 15% postie payment and will make it easier
We’re pleased to report to members that following further discussions at a high level this week, the CWU and Australia Post have reached agreement, in-principle, on EBA11. A proposed new EBA11 would, subject to member approval, lock-in the following key outcomes for members, and their families: As part of the overall package, the CWU and Australia Post will continue working
Bargaining for a new EBA11 at Australia Post has continued over the past weeks, with your Officials meeting with different management representatives to resolve outstanding matters of contention specific to a number of occupational groups across the company. This week, formal talks between Australia Post and your National and State Branch leadership teams have recommenced and we have made significant
The last time we wrote to members regarding the progress of EBA11 negotiations, we were pleased to announce that Australia Post was working through our log of claims and had agreed, in principal, that any new EBA at Australia Post would retain the Retraining, Redeployment and Redundancy (RRR) Agreement. This week, in person negotiations between Australia Post and your National
Following many months of discussions with Australia Post, I am pleased to report to members that your Union has secured a significant increase to the Retail shoe subsidy. Members’ feedback has been consistent – the shoe subsidy was out of date and no longer kept pace with the reality of our retail members’ footwear requirements. As such, we have secured
Since we last wrote to you, Australia Post has taken some time to work through the substantial log of claims submitted on behalf of CWU members for this round of bargaining for a new EBA11. In case you missed it, you can download a copy of those claims by clicking here. Whilst this process continues, Australia Post has provided a preliminary
As previously advised, due to the short week leading into the Easter weekend, Australia Post and the Union agreed to forego formal bargaining meetings in order to allow Australia Post to begin costing our preliminary claims, and to allow us to finalise your log of claims. We received an overwhelming response to our member survey. Those important views, shared by
Bargaining for EBA11 has now commenced between Australia Post and your Union, with meetings being held over Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. These two meetings focussed on talking through the process and setting protocols around the way we bargain, Australia Post’s operational challenges and their forecasted financial outlook. We also touched on a number of issues we as a