Australia Post


CWU posties secure improved services and job security as Federal Government announces significant reform

The CWU is today welcoming the collaboration that has led to the development of a new way of working at Australia Post which will improve postal delivery services to our communities, whilst securing our posties’ jobs into the future. CWU delivery members have been significantly involved in developing this new model, which allows posties to meet their changing day-to-day workloads

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An update on the delivery model trials

Your Officials have been working closely with members across delivery model trial sites to ensure it continues to evolve to prioritise members’ safety and to protect quality, permanent full-time jobs whilst delivering an improved experience to the public. Together, we stopped the postal pandemic and shut down Australia Post’s shambolic ‘ADM’. Since then, we have been engaging in genuine consultation

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Your opportunity to get involved in Australia Post uniform trials

Australia Post is currently working to refresh its uniform and in June this year conducted a review of its uniform offerings. Over 2,500 employees took part in that process. Australia Post says the results of that review have been consolidated to inform the new uniform design and the company is now ready to start the next phase of the program

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Linehaul Forum to set priorities

CWU AURs and Officials from across Australia will meet with Australia Post senior management next week to set the priorities for Linehaul moving forward. The “Linehaul Forum” was developed following CWU AUR demands to stop to the current unacceptable situation regarding the use of contractors. On behalf of our AURs and members, Central Branch Secretary and National President Shane Murphy

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Landmark CWU deal sends wages up by 6% at Australia Post

The final CPI-matching wage increase due under our inflation-busting deal at Australia Post will send CWU members’ wages up by 6% early next month. Members will remember that the CWU secured the deal in late 2021, after seeking additional discussions with Australia Post following the wrapping up of a vote on EBA10. This landmark agreement resulted in Australia Post agreeing

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A joint update on the Hornsby delivery trial: outcomes & next steps

With a great set of outcomes and our Hornsby posties expressing a strong desire to conitnue working under the new delivery model they have been trialling, the trial will now be extended to a number of additional sites across the country, to ensure it works in other environments, following consultation and agreement with state based CWU representatives. A joint update

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A joint update on the Hornsby delivery trial

The feedback from posties participating in the Hornsby delivery trial has been positive overall, so far. This is particularly so where changes have been made to ensure a ‘clear floor’ is maintained where the product that arrives is due for delivery that day, providing an average 8-hour working day with overtime remaining available.  To read the full joint update issued

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New FBA payments to be introduced and back-paid to SPDO2 Reliefs

The increase in workload within the SPDO2 Relief designation has been a sore point for members for quite some time. The issue has been exacerbated by ongoing staffing issues across the network. The Union has continued to seek additional payments for SPDO2s experiencing increased workloads, holding a number of discussions over recent months with Australia Post at the national level.

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Any changes to Australia Post must enhance services and secure jobs

Today, the Federal Government released its discussion paper on modernising Australia Post, initiating a public consultation process, seeking comment and submissions prior to contemplating making any changes to the nation’s postal services. Foreshadowing our Union’s submission, any changes to Australia’s robust postal service must enhance our community services, not water them down, and continue to provide quality, secure jobs for

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Single site delivery mode trial to commence in April

In October last year, we advised that the Federal Government had requested an operational review of Government Business Enterprises, including Australia Post. Communications Minister Michelle Rowland directed for the review at Australia Post to primarily examine the ongoing sustainability of Australia Post’s delivery model, in the face of letter volume reduction and, importantly, for this review to occur completely internally,

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