Australia Post


Gore-Tex is back!

Posties across NSW and the ACT are revelling in the return of Gore-Tex wet weather gear. Australia Post did away with Gore-Tex years ago – a move that has had CEPU members up in arms ever since. Members, for far too long, have been forced to deliver mail in a number of iterations of sub-par gear which constantly left members

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EBA10 technical & engineering review process kicks-off

As part of the overall EBA10 package supported by the majority of Branches and members across the country, the Union secured a joint review of the technical / engineering occupational group. During subsequent planning discussions between the Union and Australia Post, we have developed the following terms of reference to structure the joint review: Review the current technical structures including

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Increase to Christmas celebrations contribution @ Post

Sometimes, it’s the little things that count. One of those little things that we know many of our members look forward to is the opportunity to get together with your colleagues and celebrate the season that is upon us. And after the year you’ve just had, we know many of you will be looking forward to this more than ever

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Members’ overwhelming endorsement of EBA10

A coordinated CEPU campaign which has played out over the past 12 months in the public eye, in our Parliamentary chambers and, ultimately, at the bargaining table, has delivered an EBA10 that locks in all your existing conditions, continues to maximise full-time jobs, prevents members impacted by letter decline from being sacked, delivers pay equality to posties and increases wages at

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Members urged to complete Australia Post on-site vaccination survey ASAP

Australia Post is currently circulating an important COVID-19 vaccination survey to employees across delivery, processing, transport and vans. Further consideration is being given to rolling out a similar programme across other occupational groups, including retail. With a recent additional supply of the Pfizer vaccine entering the country, Australia Post is attempting to secure a number of doses of the Pfizer

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EBA10: Agreement in-principle

CONDITIONS, JOB SECURITY, WAGE-RISE DOUBLE AUS AVERAGE LOCKED IN ADM GONE, PENALTY RATES PROTECTED FOR GOOD We’ve come a long way since the rocky start to bargaining, 10 weeks ago. Despite lockdowns, negotiations for a new EBA have continued over recent weeks and we’re pleased to share with members that the CEPU, CPSU and Australia Post have now reached agreement,

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COVID information – Postal members and NSW restrictions

Members may be aware that the NSW Government has announced a range of COVID restrictions to Greater Sydney, the Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour regions which came into effect at 4pm yesterday, 23 June 2021. These restrictions are made by public health order and therefore compliance is a legal requirement. Some of these restrictions will apply to the

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EBA10: Talks continue despite lockdowns

Bargaining for EBA10 continued over the past two weeks with meetings focussed on matters directly raised in our log of claims developed based on responses to our member survey. Despite COVID-19 restrictions affecting different parts of the country, talks continued both in person and via video conference and focussed on advancing our claims around improving pay and superannuation – unconditionally,

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EBA10 bargaining update: ADM to end on June 30

Bargaining for EBA10 continued over the past two weeks with meetings focussed on matters pertaining to retail, delivery and contact centres. Robust talks progressed with discussions focussing on employment arrangements, start times and rostering arrangements including access to overtime and reduced attendance rostering, access to leave entitlements, workplace flexibility, the use of contractors and superannuation. Lengthy discussion ensued around bringing

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Post’s start times tantrum sets tone for day one of bargaining

Bargaining for EBA10 commenced this week with two meetings held over Tuesday and Wednesday. It is however a shame that Australia Post chose to set the tone by throwing a tantrum over shift commencement times at delivery ADM sites on the eve of those talks kicking-off. For months, AURs across ADM sites have been engaging with management in a genuine

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