The Telecommunications Sub-Contractors Association (TSCA) is administered by the CEPU Meeting with Minister for Small Business By doing what we have done we have proven that the ACCC processes are next to useless for the delivery of justice to the subbies. Basically the big companies get away with their price fixing and monopoly practices, and the subbies continue to get
Two Telstra workers were recently severely assaulted on the job while carrying out late-night maintenance If it wasn’t bad enough that Telstra staff are under the pressure of unreasonable workloads and scrutiny due to Telstra’s bad management decisions, the CEPU now fears that Telstra staff are now also disturbingly unsafe at work when carrying out their duties during the late
Negotiations for a new CEPU Telstra EBA08 commenced on Thursday 15 May. These negotiations come at a critical time for the telecommunications industry. Proposals for the National Broadband Network are due by July 25. If successful in its bid, Telstra and its skilled employees could play a critical role in our nation’s future economic competitiveness, and this will provide for
The CEPU is holding important information meetings across Australia on the Telstra CEPU EBA08 Campaign. Please see below for upcoming information meetings in your area. The previously advertised meeting time of 6:30pm for Wednesday 21 May at St Marys Band Club has changed to 6:00pm. PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Date Time Location Monday 19 May 2008 6:30pm Arncliffe RSL Club
The CEPU has told an inquiry into Australian regional and rural telecommunications services that skill shortages are contributing to network problems in these areas. Branch Organiser Shane Murphy, who reported to the inquiry on behalf of the Union, has also warned that without greater investment in training and in quality jobs, the telecommunications industry will not be able to deliver
The CEPU Communications Divisional Office has had contact with Commander Management regarding the next round of pay offers. Commander reported a net loss of $244.8 million in the half year to December 2007, reflecting asset write downs of $193 million. It has shed about a quarter of its staff this year and has sold off several of its business units
Since the introduction of Telstra’s new computerised pay system, My Activity, there has been some confusing interpretations of the payment of excess travelling time (ETT). Clause 19 of the Telstra General Conditions of Employment Award 2001 secures your entitlement to ETT and in clause 19.3 it states “Payment will not be made for more than five hours in any one
Your Union is in final preparation for the commencement of talks with Telstra to negotiate your new EBA. It is important and imperative that Telstra employees attend all meetings held across NSW with CEPU officials and are actively involved in the campaign for a new EBA. The CEPU is currently holding face to face meetings and telephone hookups across the