
Telstra to bring forward 0.5% interim wage increase component

Earlier this year we wrote to you following Telstra’s decision to pay an interim pay rise to employees. This interim wage rise totalled 1.5% to Workstream employees, and provided a guaranteed pay pool of 1.5% to Job Family, from October 1. An additional 0.5% was to follow as an overall flat increase to all Band 2 to 4 employees once

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Important: Transition to Telstra’s new legal structure

Members would have received information from Telstra yesterday regarding their progression to a new legal structure. Most members employed by Telstra today will be impacted by the restructure and will be required to enter in to a new contract of employment with their new employing entity. There are some important dates for members to be aware of, those are: Next

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CEPU statement on Telstra mandatory vaccination policy

Telstra have confirmed that the company intends to proceed with implementing its mandatory vaccination policy. Nevertheless, the consultation process with your Union has resulted  in a shift of Telstra’s original position, in the case of timing, where the deadlines have been extended outside of NSW and Victoria, genuine medical exemptions and third-party access to Telstra facilities – to a degree.

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Telstra seeks to mandate vaccination

Telstra has notified the Union of its intentions to seek to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for parts of their workforce, including those where: You frequently interact with customers and other members of the public; You are required to work in high-risk locations with vulnerable persons or in locations that might lead to COVID-19 outbreaks if infected people come into contact with

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Telstra to pay interim wage rise

Ahead of Telstra’s annual remuneration review, and in recognition of the anniversary of the last annual wage rise under the current EBA, Telstra is proposing to pay interim wage rises to employees whilst negotiations for a new Agreement continues. Telstra have proposed to increase Workstream wages by 1.5% and provide a guaranteed pay pool of 1.5% for Job Family from

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No changes to defined benefit super in Telstra restructure

In welcomed news, Telstra has today announced that all current defined benefit superannuation members will remain eligible following implementation of Telstra’s planned new corporate structure later this year. Telstra flagged the possibility of transferring employees to subsidiaries during the last round of bargaining and members engaged in coordinated industrial action around the country to strengthen protections for pay and conditions

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Telstra seeking multiple agreements

The Union is engaging with Telstra in preparation for the next round of bargaining for a replacement to the current Telstra Enterprise Agreement 2019-2021. In discussions late last week, Telstra has made known its intention to seek a separate Enterprise Agreement for each of its proposed subsidiaries – ServeCo, InfraCo Fixed, InfraCo Towers and Retail – all of which are expected

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Telstra corporate restructure – Member Q&As

Late last year, Telstra announced it was embarking on a corporate restructure, of unprecedented proportions, that would essentially see the company split into three wholly-owned subsidiaries. As previously reported, the three subsidiaries have been referred to as – InfraCo Fixed would own and operate ducts, fibre, data centres, subsea cables and exchanges InfraCo Towers would own and operate physical mobile

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AWA/ITEA employees to move to Telstra EA

Members may have today been made aware that Telstra intends to move those employees who remain on a Howard Government WorkChoices era individual contract, to the Telstra EA. By doing so, terms and conditions of employment will be standardised across the workforce. Whilst this is the case, employees who may be receiving remuneration or terms greater than what is provided

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Your Union has continued to seek further protections for members as we navigate through uncharted territory in relation to the emerging worldwide Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. These conversations between your Union and all major employer groups who employ our members are ongoing. As the crisis continues to emerge, the destructive force of this virus is being felt throughout the health

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