Negotiations for a new EBA for workers employed by NBN Co will commence shortly. NOTICE OF EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIONAL RIGHTS (NERR) NBN Co is obliged by the Fair Work Act to issue all employees who are intended to be covered by the proposed Agreement with a Notice of Employee Representational Rights. You are not required to appoint a bargaining representative – as a
Voting in the EBA11 ballot of employees has now closed, and members across the country have thrown their overwhelming support behind their new Enterprise Agreement. EBA11 will lock-in all your existing rights at work, without any trade-offs, continue to maximise full-time jobs as the preferred employment model at Australia Post, protects the 15% postie payment and will make it easier
As members may already be aware, ballots of employees held to determine support for Telstra’s EBA2024 offer have been resolved with the majority of participating employees voting yes to support the Agreements. In summary: As a reminder, the following key outcomes were secured by your CWU negotiating team as part of the bargaining process: Although Telstra workers felt that the
We’re pleased to report to members that following further discussions at a high level this week, the CWU and Australia Post have reached agreement, in-principle, on EBA11. A proposed new EBA11 would, subject to member approval, lock-in the following key outcomes for members, and their families: As part of the overall package, the CWU and Australia Post will continue working
Bargaining for a new EBA11 at Australia Post has continued over the past weeks, with your Officials meeting with different management representatives to resolve outstanding matters of contention specific to a number of occupational groups across the company. This week, formal talks between Australia Post and your National and State Branch leadership teams have recommenced and we have made significant
As members are aware, this round of bargaining with Telstra commenced earlier this year and has recently come to a halt, with Telstra signalling its intention to ask employees to vote on their current offer. Last week, we commenced a consultation process with members, consisting of an online poll and a number of online and in-person meetings with members across
The CWU has continued to pursue a fairer pay outcome through further EBA talks with Telstra. As previously advised, Telstra’s pay offer consisted of wage movements of 4% in year one, 3.5% in year two and 3% in year three – guaranteed to be paid in full to Workstream employees, with Job Family employees again having these amounts attributed to a pay pool and
Your Union has continued to engage with Telstra through the bargaining process to advance members’ claims for a fair, equitable and meaningful wage rise. Our members’ hard work and dedication to their roles should be recognised and fairly compensated. The cost of living crisis has exacerbated financial strain on working families as wages fail to keep up with rising inflation.
Your CWU bargaining representatives met with Telstra again today, where the company has released its pay offer. The important points for members to note, are: Furthermore, Telstra have committed to providing a draft EBA document which ensures workers will not trade-off any existing conditions. Other than to say that, if secured, this will be the highest wage outcome seen at
Following Telstra’s disgraceful announcement to shed up to 2,800 jobs by the end of the calendar year, the CWU has entered into consultation with Telstra in order to begin mitigating against the affects of this announcement on our members. Within those job cuts, 377 potential redundancies have been identified within the Telstra Purple Pty Ltd subsidiary, where redundancy benefits are