Lifestyle and leisure benefits

Ambassador Card CWU member portal

Login to the portal

Members must be fully financial to access the benefits portal. If you experience any difficulty logging in, please contact us directly on for assistance.

To login, use your member number as it appears on your card as your username.
Use your surname exactly as it appears on your card as your password.

Note: The password will be case sensitive. If your surname appears in all capitals on your membership card, enter it the same way to login.

The Ambassador Card member rewards programme – a scheme that usually costs $199 per year – is provided completely free of charge to financial CWU members.

You will find the Ambassador Card logo incorporated in to your CWU membership card. By using your membership card, members can save around $3761 per year – with a little bit of forward planning, without changing your spending habits.

Some of the categories of discounts available to members include:

  • Supermarkets
  • Petrol stations
  • Shopping
  • Resturants
  • Tourist attractions
  • Leisure experiences and activity providers
  • Travel and accommodation
  • Cinema tickets
  • Home services
  • Automotive repairs and services
  • Health and wellbeing
  • A discounted online electrical goods store

How to save $3761 per year

Below, we show you how members, on average and with a little bit of forward planning, could save up to $3761 per year with their Ambassador Card discounts – without changing their ordinary spending habits.


4% Discount
$300 current weekly spend at major supermarket chains

Before discount
After discount

saved, per year


5% Discount
Filling 2 cars with 60 Litres per week at an average cost of $1.40 per Litre

Before discount
After discount

saved, per year


Average 35% Discount
attractions & restaurant dining

Before discount
After discount

saved, per year


Average 35% Discount
Cinema tickets and other leisure activities

Before discount
After discount

saved, per year

Dining out

25% discount
Restaurant dining twice per month
spending a total of $200.

Before discount
After discount

saved, per year
discounts, Australia-wide
discount categories
potential savings, per year

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