Your Union is in final preparation for the commencement of talks with Telstra to negotiate your new EBA.
It is important and imperative that Telstra employees attend all meetings held across NSW with CEPU officials and are actively involved in the campaign for a new EBA.
The CEPU is currently holding face to face meetings and telephone hookups across the state informing Telstra employees on the issues they face in the upcoming negotiations.
Branch Organiser Shane Murphy has completed tours across the Riverina region during April with Branch Assistant Secretary Steve Dodd now visiting workers across the ACT and NSW South Coast this week. Other country areas will follow in the near futures with metro meetings being held in concentrated areas.
Meetings held so far with Telstra office workers across metropolitan Sydney have proven to be very successful drawing in a very good response from members who are keen to support an intense campaign to secure our rights at work. The response from non-members has also been encouraging with large numbers of non-members deciding to join the Union and volunteering to assist in the campaign.
Telstra employees will need to maintain the momentum and enthusiasm to improve their wages and working conditions displayed at these meetings and become active and involved in their workplace to ensure a successful campaign outcome.
If your workplace is not represented by an Authorised Union Representative or a workplace EBA contact, it is critical that a representative is chosen as soon as possible to ensure the CEPU is able to keep all members across your section up to date on negotiations and campaign activities. If you are unsure of whether you have an AUR or contact in your workplace, please contact the CEPU state office on (02) 9893 7822 for further information.
The CEPU repeated a familiar phrase to Sydney CBD members this week; “If our members signed up one new member each, our numbers would double as does our influence at the negotiating table with Telstra. United we bargain, divided we beg.”
The CEPU also has this message for Telstra employees currently employed on an AWA; Under the Labor Government’s new IR Laws, AWA workers will eventually be migrated across to the CEPU negotiated EBA. For this reason, the outcome of the EBA campaign will directly affect you.
It is important that all CEPU Telstra members are united and strong and it is in the immediate interest of all AWA employees that you attend all EBA meetings and are involved and active in the EBA campaign to ensure a fair and equitable outcome is reached for all CEPU members.
For any further information on the EBA or when EBA meetings in your workplace or concentrated work areas will be held, please contact Shane Murphy or Steve Dodd on (02) 9893 7822.
Upcoming Metro EBA Meetings
6:30pm 19 May 2008 – Arncliffe RSL Club
6:30pm 20 May 2008 – Ryde Ex Services Club
6:30pm 21 May 2008 – St Mary’s Band Club
6:30pm 22 May 2008 – Liverpool Ex Services Club
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