Here’s the MoU

It is clear that Telstra staff, whether Union members or not, are in desperate need of some clarity about what is going on. You have been inundated with internal communications from Telstra that are incorrect.

One of the things we hope to do here is publish all our documents and correspondence from now on – so you can see for yourself what is really happening in our campaign to protect your rights at Telstra.

Here is another copy of the MoU that Unions have suggested as the basis for a new, more constructive relationship between Telstra HR and your representatives. Please feel free to share it with your colleagues.

Attached is our latest letter to Andrea Grant. You can get a PDF here.

As you read it, you might like to constrast it with recent correspondence you have received within Telstra, for example, the email from David Moffat.

Basically the important elements are:

  • We have always been clear that we want any document solidifying a new, constructive relationship between Telstra and the Unions to be legal, so we have made the necessary slight adjustments taking into account HR’s feedback.
  • Even though the MoU has been found legal, we are not making signing up to a more constructive relationship a precondition of EA bargaining. We will bargain on behalf of our members and their colleagues at any time.

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