Telstra in siege mode

Some Managers are describing their current position as being  “Under Siege”.

The financial community is belting Telstra’s senior management due to their self destruction in relation to their  N.B.N.  bid.   Without doubt, Telstra has given their competitors a massive free kick.

The Telstra workforce is supporting widespread industrial disruption in many areas within the company right across Australia which could continue indefinitely.  No wonder management feel they are under siege !!


Right now, Telstra is rolling out a number of their non-Union wage proposals, called  ECAs.  They are trying to ramp up the selling of these  (so called)  Agreements by offering them on a more widespread basis by introducing them into  ‘Groups’.  We are unsure as to the ‘rules’ regarding how or what determines an identifiable Group.   It appears that they simply put a mix of people together and call them  ‘A Group’.

Their weapon of choice to  ‘sell’  their  ECA  is to attempt to panic people over their January 31st deadline.  Do they think Telstra employees are stupid ?   This is their third, so-called, final deadline. There was a deadline in November,  a deadline in December,  and now a deadline in January. Watch this space !!

Linked to the so-called deadline is the issue of money. They say :- “If you don’t decide by January 31st,  you won’t get backpay and we will reduce the amount of the pay increase on offer.”

The fact is that if employees sign up to an  ECA,  they will exclude themselves from any better Union negotiated  EBA.

Let’s look at some other comments from management :-
“If you don’t pick up our offer now,  then because of the economic downturn you will get a lot less than that which is on offer at the moment.”

You should ask why ?

The solution to the economic crisis is to put more money in people’s pockets – not less.  Look at what Governments around the world are doing.

What is more, Trujillo and the rest of the corporate management are telling the market publicly that Telstra’s financials are right on target, and the crisis will have minimal impact on the company’s performance.


“Chief Financial Officer John Stanhope told investors,  ‘History shows that during periods where the economy slows or even declines, Telstra and its sector continue to grow at rates above  GDP  ( gross domestic product ).  We would expect that to again be the case.’ ”
[The Age,  7 November, 2008.]

Why therefore are they lying to their employees about the need for lower wages ?

“If you don’t vote for the  ECA  you will lose the Redundancy Agreement because it is due to be scrapped in March, 2009.”


A deliberate lie.  Through  CEPU  lobbying,  the new Labor Government legislated in  April,  2008,  to do away with the  WorkChoices  provision that scrapped the Redundancy Agreement from the  9th  March,  2009.    That was done.

The redundancy agreement simply runs on until changed by agreement, therefore it has been protected by  CEPU  action.  However, if you vote up an  ECA,  the redundancy protections you currently have will be changed by the non-Union deal.

“Even if you sign up to a non-Union  ECA  now,  the new Federal Government legislation will allow you to get a Union agreement at the end of three years.”

The fact is that we don’t know what legislation will be on the books by  2012.   There is a Federal Election in  2010.   Even if the management claim could be relied upon, the  ECA  would virtually lock the union out from effectively representing you for three years;  and it prevents you going to the Arbitration Commission for fair treatment, or to enforce the provisions of the agreement.

It’s worth taking a moment to consider why they are doing this :-

1.   Telstra  is  trying  to  beat  the clock  –  they  know  new  workplace  laws  are coming in that will not  let them get away with their current  ECA  strategy.

2.   If people  vote  up  an  ECA,  they  vote  up  watered  down  conditions – did  you  know  the minute  someone   votes  up   an  ECA  they   vote  out   the  current  Telstra  Redundancy Agreement ?

3.      ECA  Groups  are  prevented  from  taking  protected industrial action once they have voted up an  ECA.   You  can not  take protected industrial action if a wages agreement has been voted up in your workplace and is a current  ( non-expired )  Agreement.   That means you limit your ability to take any form of action to get a better deal.

You would be reduced to begging for at least three years.


1.   Let the  CEPU  know if you are asked to vote on any non-Union  ECA.
Telstra  has  stopped  consulting  with  the  Unions  on where they are rolling out the  ECAs.   ( Ask yourself why they would be doing this. )

2.   Urge your colleagues to vote  ‘NO’  to any non-Union ECA.
Employees  value  the  views  of  their  work  colleagues.   Your voice has  tremendous  weight with your work colleagues

3.   Finally – you should vote  ‘NO’  to any non-Union  ECA.
Get a better deal with  a  Union  negotiated   Enterprise  Agreement  where the Union can continue to help and represent you into the future.

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