As part of the ongoing campaign for a fair, transparent Union EBA, Telstra workers held a series of community events and protests on Monday 9 February. Industrial action occurred and was well adhered to by the membership across Australia, with the exception of Victoria, where Union members elected to defer their planned stoppages due to the worsening bushfire tragedy. CEPU and CPSU Telstra members in Victoria decided to set aside their dispute with management to concentrate on serving customers and restoring essential services in the wake of the terrible damage inflicted from the bushfires. The ACTU and affiliate Unions have also pledged $250,000 to the Red Cross bushfire appeal. |
Above: Video of the Sydney Rally. (Press the “Play” button to watch) Courtesy: NSWACTIEU |
SydneyHundreds of Telstra workers and supporters staged an event outside the location of the Sydney offices of Telstra CEO Sol Trujillo on Sydney’s iconic George Street. Telstra jobs and the pay and condition of employees were auctioned off, with a spruiker conducting a bargain basement sale, mocking management’s discredited non Union deals. The crowd listened to speakers from both Unions and Telstra workers themselves, frustrated by the company’s insistence to roll out non-negotiated, non-Union WorkChoices agreements across the workforce. PerthMeanwhile, dozens of protesters were on hand in Perth to greet embattled Telstra CEO Sol Trujillo. CEPU National President Ed Husic claimed the globetrotting chief executive had been called over to Western Australia “to placate a stack of upset customers who had network disruptions that our Union members would not fix due to the industrial action.” “They basically gave him a reception about the way that Telstra has been handling wage talks, or the lack thereof, more precisely. They had a yarn with him and put forward their views to Sol,” Mr Husic told The Australian. |
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