Australia Post Management’s cash bonus grab must really be at severe risk this year
A CEPU member in Sydney has been granted Compensation leave and received significant reimbursement of payments following CEPU intervention in her matter.
The member was treated by an FND and put through the FND process.
After several weeks of treatment, Post eventually found that she was fit for work and denied her compensation.
In an about face, a week later, they found that she was unfit for work and directed her on sick leave!
After a standoff for several weeks, the Union intervened and got the member back to work that day.
All sick and annual leave will be reimbursed, salary will be adjusted up to average weekly earnings, and more than $1,000 in medicals will be reimbursed.
In another astonishing case, a member who recently suffered a severe fall in a Sydney delivery centre was sent to an FND for examination.
Upon examination, the FND afforded the member the next day off to rest his shoulder.
Nonetheless management must not have been very happy that their own FND had afforded the member the next day off, causing a loss of time injury record.
Management called the member the next morning asking him to attend an appointment with a different FND for a ‘review’ of the first FND’s examination.
Post doctor shopping with their own doctors—may be astonishing, but certainly not surprising.
After contacting the Union, the member did not attend the second FND for a second opinion and rested his shoulder on his day off.
Following Union advice, the member also proceeded to attend his own doctor for further examination and treatment.
The global financial crisis must really be putting management’s cash bonus grab at severe risk this year.
What will they do next to cut costs and prevent LTI records?
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