The major union within Telstra – Communications Electrical Plumbing Union (CEPU) – says today’s Federal Government announcement on the NBN brings greater certainty to the direction of the project – and offers an important lifeline to Telstra.
“While we still want to review the details underpinning the announcement, there’s no doubt today represents a milestone for telecommunication users and the community,” CEPU National President Mr Husic said.
“Our members in Telstra, Optus and a range of telco companies want to be involved in one of the country’s most important infrastructure projects – they have the skills and experience to make a real contribution to the rollout,” Mr Husic said.
“By flagging that it will set up its own company to rollout the network, in a joint venture with the private sector, the Government has set up a concrete opportunity for collaboration with the telco sector. That’s good news for jobs and growth in the industry, little doubt.
“We’re pleased that the government’s plans give our members in Telstra a possible chance to be involved – but it will depend largely on the attitude of Telstra.
“For Telstra senior management, today can represent a milestone or a millstone. It’s really up to them how they play this.
“When Telstra was initially excluded from the bid, our members hopes were dealt a terrible blow. The blame for that rested solely on a bid approach that hinged on a miscalculated bluff by senior management at Telstra.
“Their deliberate move to ignore the mandatory requirements of the bid and stand up to the government reflects a belief in senior management in Telstra that hardball tactics are a winning formula for the company whenever they have a different view to their stakeholders.
“Industrially, we’ve experienced that first hand as wage talks with Telstra crashed and stalled. Their approach has been an awful waste of time on this front – and rough-house tactics have cost them and their shareholders dearly on the NBN project.”
The CEPU hastened to add that the union would be closely analysing the Government’s discussion paper on future telecommunications reform to determine the full impact of today’s announcement on its members.
Media Comment:
Jim Metcher,
CEPU NSW State Secretary
0418 656 262
Ed Husic,
CEPU National President
0437 371 372
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