The CEPU (Communications Division) Divisional Executive unanimously decided today that the revised EBA7 offer cannot be recommended to members as it undermines members’ job security, health and safety and take home pay. The official resolution of the Divisional Executive is reproduced below:
“The Divisional Executive has noted the report of the Divisional Secretary on the status of negotiations with Australia Post regarding Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 7 (EBA7).
Divisional Executive notes that the parties remain divided on a range of critical matters including:
1. Post’s refusal to amend the EBA dispute resolution processes to allow EBA7 to be enforced via arbitration;
2. Post will not agree to including a status quo arrangement in the dispute resolution clause, to help ensure proper consultation is entered into ahead of major workplace change;
3. Post refuses to commit to Union requests to ensure that full time employment remains the predominant form of employment in Australia Post. This is particularly the case in delivery, where the Union has concerns about the impact of Future Delivery Design on full time jobs;
4. Post’s refusal to improve the way it treats sick and injured workers – and the corporation’s refusal to end the use of Facility Nominated Doctors;
5. Post has refused Union recommendations to improve the way it consults about the introduction and use of contractors;
6. Post will not commit to measures protecting our members’ shift penalties; and,
7. Post wants EBA7 to end in December 2010, which the Union believes is too short a timeframe for the agreement.
Given the seriousness of these issues as they relate to our members’ job security, health and safety, and protection of take home pay, the Divisional Executive cannot recommend the agreement to its members in Australia Post because the CEPU believes this is against our members’ interests.
Divisional Executive requires all branches to consult with members about the serious defects in the current Post offer and urges Branches to obtain member support for measures to help secure a fair and satisfactory enterprise agreement with Australia Post.” |
The CEPU will be consulting with its members across Australia Post about the Union’s position and discussing with members the next steps in the campaign to get you a better EBA7 deal.
If you have any comments or feedback, you can contact the CEPU State Office on (02) 9893 7822 or by emailing
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