Employees and their Union were informed of Australia Post’s decision to consolidate the National Customer Contact Centre network from the current six (including Sydney) to two locations in Brisbane and Melbourne.
Despite Australia Post’s obligations under EBA6 to consult with the Union on any major change affecting employees prior to any decisions being made, management have blatantly ignored this obligation and continue to do so by attempting to steam roll the process. A perfect example of this inappropriate behaviour is the tight deadlines that have been forced on employees to complete the recently circulated “Expressions of Interest” packs – forcing staff to quickly make huge, possibly life changing decisions, at a time of severe financial uncertainty and insecurity.
The Union was only informed of this decision at 16:55 on 20 May 2009, as staff were being informed, without being afforded any opportunity to mitigate the effects on 181 employees with their employment in Sydney alone.
Australia Post’s continued disregard for the current enforceable EBA6 has turned the lives and financial security of around 300 Australia Post working families upside down despite harsh economic times.
Due to Australia Post’s continued display of arrogance toward this issue, the CEPU yesterday lodged a dispute notification with the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC).
The AIRC has now listed the matter for urgent hearing on this dispute at the request of the Union, which will take place in Melbourne on Monday 15 June before Commissioner Smith.
Expressions of interest forms, where to from here? – Don’t Complete EOI or Demand EOI be returned!
Customer Contact Centre employees are advised not to complete any expression of interest documents despite the inappropriate deadlines placed on these documents for return by Management.
Customer Contact employees who have already submitted their EOI documents to management are advised to approach management for such EOI documents to be withdrawn and returned to you.
Any employee pressured or threatened into completing the documents should advise their direct superiors that they are following Union instructions and should contact the CEPU as soon as possible to report this inappropriate management behaviour.
If you require any further information, please contact Branch President Susan Sheather or Branch Official Nathan Metcher on (02) 9893 7822.
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