Telstra EA: Critical stage of negotiations

Negotiations between Telstra and the Unions have now reached a very complex and delicate stage. Over the past 48 hours there has been, it is fair to say some positive indications from Telstra in relation to some (but not all) issues that remain in dispute.

Both the Telstra Management and the CEPU Divisional Executive are still considering the current position.

As a result of these negotiations and the stage that the discussions are currently at, the CEPU Divisional Executive has taken a decision to temporarily suspend industrial action that was notified to Telstra last Friday.

Members are advised that this means that industrial action originally notified to Telstra for Friday 6 November is suspended.

The situation with the Telstra EBA is extremely fluid at the moment with neither side in a position to confirm details until they refer some contentious issues to their respective principals.

Negotiations with Telstra will continue with a view to progressing towards a draft agreement that can be discussed with members.

Members are assured that we will, within the constraints of the good faith bargaining provisions update members as details firm up.

As always our objective in these discussions with Telstra will be to achieve the best possible outcome in terms of pay and protection of members’ rights and conditions.

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