Telstra EA news

The CEPU is continuing to meet with Telstra to attempt to resolve outstanding pay issues in the proposed EA.

Further discussions took place on 12th April. At this meeting the CEPU also requested a copy of a draft agreement which Telstra has prepared.  The union has subsequently received a copy of this document.

While the document contains matters on which there is agreement between the CEPU and Telstra, the problems of which members are already aware remain, especially in relation to the “final’ pay offer. Telstra is still sticking to its 2% + 2% + 2% + 2% over two years.

The union has put an alternative claim to try to ensure the matching of pay rates between the EBA and the ECAs.

The union is examining Telstra’s EA document in detail and the national body of the Communications Division is considering future steps.

In the meantime, activity to achieve a better offer continues:

·      Overtime, recall bans and start of day ban resumed from Friday April 30.

·      Various activities around a corporate exposure campaign are being implemented.

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