CEPU members have hard-fought many trying campaigns in the last 12 months.

At this time last year, CEPU members employed by Telstra were engaged in protected industrial action, CEPU members employed by Australia Post were in preparation stages for their protected industrial action, and Foxtel sub-contractor CEPU members were engaging in on again – off again industrial action.

All these groups under the one banner were fighting for the same things, protection of their rights at work and improving their pay and terms and conditions of employment.

After long periods of sacrifice and perseverance by CEPU members across the country, all of the above disputes have been resolved and have resulted in significant improvements to CEPU members’ working lives.

Similarly, our descendents in the 1850s fought for and accomplished similar feats, an improvement to their working conditions.

During the mid to late 1800s the working day was long and arduous, where some employees were working up to 12 hours per day, six days per week.

By the 1850s, many Australians saw the need for better working conditions and an organised movement began a strong fight for the 8-hour day – 8 hours for work, 8 hours for rest and 8 hours for recreation.

The fight paid off and the 8-hour day became standard across the country, with the 8-hour day being recognised in NSW by 1856.

Labour Day is not just another insignificant opportunity for a day off

Labour Day is a public holiday in recognition of the many achievements of the Australian Trade Union movement, in particular the 8-hour day.

CEPU members have had their own struggles this year and our perseverance has lead to great outcomes.

The CEPU hopes all members have a well-deserved break this coming Labour Day.

Yours in Unity,



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