Bargaining with Telstra continued this week with two meetings held, during which Telstra proposed changes it described as being geared towards employee flexibility. Telstra have proposed a change to rostering arrangements, which would see a reduction in the minimum engagement period for a shift. Currently, the minimum engagement period is 2 hours for casuals, 4 hours for contact centre employees
Bargaining commenced today for new Enterprise Agreements across the Telstra group. Discussions were limited mostly to establishing protocols and a framework for negotiations for the multiple Agreements which will now cover the Telstra Group of companies, including Telstra Purple. In addition however, Telstra did table some key principles which it intends to guide their approach to negotiations. Those being: Although
The Union representing telecommunications workers says that today’s outage is an absolute disgrace – leaving some of the most vulnerable members of the community relying on landlines without emergency help. The outage comes just after Optus announced the slashing of over 200 jobs in the last two months – impacting various parts of their network across the country. This brings
Following consultation with Telstra, travel related payments will increase and become effective as of 1 August 2023. The current and future rates are reproduced in the below tables. However, the key changes are: Existing rates, pre 1 August 2023 New rates, effective 1 August 2023 Should you require any further information, please contact Assistant Secretaries Cameron Bird, Peter Chaloner or
Late last year we shared the good news that Optus had agreed to sit down with your Union and negotiate a new Enterprise Agreement for Optus Retail employees – your opportunity to put your terms and conditions of employment on equal footing with employees across the rest of the telco. Our organisers have been out and about in Optus stores
Following concerns raised by members working at Telstra, the Union held discussions with the manufacturer of the electrical insulation gloves that are issued to members by Telstra, to seek clarity over the application of the Australian Standard Live working – electrical insulation gloves 60903:2022. It was apparent to us that current practices at Telstra weren’t compliant with the Standard. The Union
For far too long, members at Optus Retail have been treated differently to employees across the rest of the telco. Working under a sub-par, non-Union Enterprise Agreement that expired in 2016, so flawed that it failed the Fair Work Commission’s Better Off Overall Test, members were fed up with Optus outright refusing to sit down to negotiate a new Agreement.
The Union has been engaged in ongoing discussions with Telstra regarding members’ reports of wheels on LC70 GXL Toyota Landcruiser vehicles failing sporadically. This is a serious safety matter that may put members, and other road users, at risk. Telstra reports that they are continuing to work with Toyota and other suppliers to understand and address the root cause of
Following Ventia’s disgraceful behaviour in notifying 11 employees of redundancy, just 24 hours after notice that a restructure was on the cards, the company has been forced to put the brakes on. Ventia was forced to front up for a conference before Commissioner Bisset yesterday, following an urgent application to the Fair Work Commission by the CWU As a result
As members are aware, despite significant improvements being won by the Union through the bargaining process, we could not overlook what we saw as overwhelming shortcomings associated with nbn’s pay and remuneration offer as part of EBA negotiations. With inflation increasing beyond the point of targets and forecasts as early as the second-half of last year, our clear demands to