Bargaining with Telstra continued this week with two meetings held, during which Telstra proposed changes it described as being geared towards employee flexibility.
Telstra have proposed a change to rostering arrangements, which would see a reduction in the minimum engagement period for a shift. Currently, the minimum engagement period is 2 hours for casuals, 4 hours for contact centre employees and 6 hours for field employees. Under Telstra’s proposal, employees could work shifts of a shorter duration, with a safeguard that these shifts would need to be chosen by the employee and not at the behest of the employer. Whilst the change is intended to be mutually beneficial, we have a number of concerns about its operation and the resilience of any safeguarding clause. The Union have committed to discussing the matter further once Telstra provides further detail and clarity around the issues raised.
Telstra also proposed to simplify the Agreements to reflect a more generous practice around overtime eligibility – particularly for casual retail store employees. The Union supports this proposal, in principle, subject to receiving the full details of the proposal.
The Union has sought further information on Telstra’s proposal to harmonise terms and conditions for Telstra Purple employees and aligning them to the Job Family model. We have requested information explaining the proposed method of aligning the classification levels of Telstra Purple employees into the Telstra framework as well as how Telstra Purple policies, which differ significantly from Telstra policies, will be treated in the harmonisation process.
We have continued to engage with members in developing a formal log of claims with the Telstra Group. To ensure we develop claims to guide our bargaining strategy which are truly reflective of the needs of our members, and their families, please complete the survey no later than this coming Friday. 8 March, if you haven’t already done so, by clicking here.
Should you require any further information, please contact Assistant Secretaries Cameron Bird, Peter Chaloner or Nick Townsend, or Branch Officials Cade Anderson, Lisa Bahls, Peter O’Connell or Brett O’Neill on (02) 9893 7822 when calling from NSW or the ACT, (07) 3255 0440 from QLD or (08) 8443 7389 from SA or the NT.
Yours faithfully,

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