We’re pleased to report to members that following further discussions at a high level this week, the CWU and Australia Post have reached agreement, in-principle, on EBA11.
A proposed new EBA11 would, subject to member approval, lock-in the following key outcomes for members, and their families:
- 4% per year compounding pay rise over three years – allowing members to keep up with the cost of living. This wage rise is entirely made up of guaranteed salary movements, not one-off bonuses, and will not be tied to any performance outcomes or requirements. The compounding effect of the wage rise, payable in September of each year, will deliver an actual 12.5% in new money, over the life of a proposed three-year EBA11;
- 4% increase to all EBA allowances, each year, over the proposed three-year Agreement
- NO TRADE-OFFS – all existing EBA10 conditions, including hours of duty, penalty rates, leave entitlements, full-time employment preference and RRR provisions will remain protected;
- 15% postie delivery payment will be protected now, and into the future, and will be extended to casual employees;
- Quicker paths to full-time employment – allowing part-time employees to request a review and extension of their nominal hours with the review period looking back 6 months, rather than the current 12 months;
- Removal of the once-per-year restriction on excess annual leave cash-outs, allowing members to request a cash-out at any time throughout the year, should they wish to do so; and
- Handing up the Delegates Chater to the Fair Work Commission when seeking approval for the new Agreement, protecting our local AURs’ rights and entitlements – ensuring they are able to properly perform their roles in representing members at the local workplace level, effectively.
As part of the overall package, the CWU and Australia Post will continue working together to explore workplace flexibility options to enable a sustainable future workforce that continues to support the rapidly changing needs of Australia Post’s customers, and to reach resolution on non-core matters which CWU members told us were important to them, including:
- Increasing the per km reimbursement rate for members who use their private vehicles for work-related purposes;
- Allowing medical certificates from pharmacies to certify personal leave applications; and
- Clarification of regular single-day higher duties.
Additionally, Australia Post has agreed to establish a number of joint CWU / Management reviews of key processes including payroll, employee discipline and how superannuation is paid on workers compensation.
Importantly, Australia Post has provided undertakings to place reasonable timeframes on these review processes to ensure their resolution does not delay the overall EBA11 approval process and payment of the associated wage outcomes.
Where to from here?
Over the coming weeks, your Officials will be meeting with members to consult and explain the overall negotiated package in detail – ensuring you can make an informed decision when it is time to vote on the new EBA.
Further information will be provided once the timeline for this process becomes clearer.
In the meantime, should you require any further information, please contact Assistant Secretaries Cameron Bird, Peter Chaloner or Nick Townsend, or Branch Officials Cade Anderson, Lisa Bahls, Nick Bentley, Chris Gleeson, Phil Kessey, TK Ly, Robbie McLauchlan, Liam Murphy, Peter O’Connell, Brett O’Neill, Peter Psomas, Giselle Saba, Kerry Turner or Dennis Williams on (02) 9893 7822 when calling from NSW or the ACT, (07) 3255 0440 from QLD or (08) 8443 7389 from SA or the NT.
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