The move by Telstra HR managers to call off Enterprise Agreement talks puts at risk the future pay and job conditions of around 32,000 Telstra workers. Telstra workers should be very disappointed with the approach being taken by the company’s Human Resources managers. Calling off talks at such an early stage of negotiations is not at all helpful. In fact
Real risks to your conditions Telstra management has once again raised the prospect of dividing employees into “Part A” and “Part B” groups. You may recall Telstra attempted to roll out an agreement with “Part A” and “Part B” to call centre employees in November 2007. Employees overwhelmingly voted to reject the agreement because it significantly reduced conditions. The Draft
The Brisbane Times has picked up on the safety concerns of employees at the Underwood Mail Centre. On the eve of an AIRC hearing into union objections about the way management has responded to these concerns, the Brisbane Times has detailed the legitimate fears that employees have for their safety. The full article can be found here: “Mail powder sparks
We previously reported on the action taken by workers at QLD’s Underwood Mail Centre, emailing key stakeholders in Post and the Federal Government, exposing serious safety concerns and the bad management practices that exist in the workplace. Despite many attempts to get to the bottom of safety concerns raised by employees at Underwood, Australia Post has failed to provide any
It has been brought to the Union’s attention that an increasing number of new PDOs and existing permanent part time PDOs converting to full time employment are not being employed against the normal ordinary hours of duty as determined by the Australia Post Operations Award. It has been reported to the Union that these employees are rostered on 7’21 hours
The CEPU will be representing our Broadcast Australia members in the Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) on July 1 regarding the “On-Call” provisions of their EBA. Currently there are two types of fault response arrangements i.e. Telephone/remote support or Return to workplace/site. The CEPU has been seeking to have the words in the current agreement apply with respect to telephone/remote
In a move designed to delay further the roll-out of a national broadband network (NBN), the Federal Opposition has set up a Senate Committee to inquire into Labor’s nation building project. The Opposition has used its current numbers in the Senate – due to change at the end of this month – to set up a Senate Select Committee which
Telstra is about to introduce it’s new “Optimisation Project” to it’s field workforce.The CEPU advises members not to commit to the job quota system that is being proposed by Telstra management under the disguise of Telstra’s Optimisation Project.”If any member is pressured or threatened to commit to the job quota system they should seek advice from the CEPU immediately.Through this
The CEPU has been receiving telephone calls from concerned members indicating that Telstra are about to apply specific conditions of their AWAs to their full extent. The Union is aware of AWAs containing clauses setting out specific conditions with respect to hours of duty and span of hours for varying employees’ ordinary hours of duty at ordinary rates of pay.
The telecommunications industry is rapidly entering the digital age and undergoing deep and rapid change. Consumers and workers need a voice at the table. At this key moment in Australian telecommunications history: – We have proposed a memorandum to management establishing a cooperative relationship so we can navigate these complex and fast-changing times together. – We want to unite and