Members would be familiar with a situation last year which saw subbies all over the country walk off the job due to unfair rates. Subbies were being paid below industry standard rates for “Digipath” installations. Eventually, a fair rate – with back pay – was afforded to subbies for installing the Digipath devices.

Angry Foxtel subbies have again raised the alarm bells over the introduction of a new technology (Powerline Adaptors) resulting in yet another example of subcontractors having the price, place of purchase and resale price to customers dictated to by the principal contractors.

Meetings with subbies were held last week with many initially refusing to purchase or install the product.

The CEPU has sought preliminary talks with the ACCC with what the Union will allege are breaches of the Trades Practices Act by Foxtel and its principal contractors. Certainly the ACCC was interested in the matter and the CEPU is currently preparing a submission concerning the alleged breaches.

In the meantime, members have resumed installation of the adapter and await the progression of this campaign.

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