Australia Post should be ashamed for raising the prospect of charging residents for their daily mail service, the postal workers’ union said today.

CEPU Postal and Telecommunications NSW Branch Secretary Jim Metcher said a daily mail service was critical for businesses and residents and important for maintaining Australia Post’s trusted brand in the community.

“Australia Post is a profitable operation and it should not be raising ideas like charging recipients for mail services which have already been paid for through postage,” said Mr Metcher.

“Floating these sorts of hare-brained ideas only talks down the future of the postal service.

“Reducing daily delivery – or making people pay for it – would see fewer and fewer people use the service, leading to post office closures and loss of confidence in Australia Post.

“Australia Post can’t just hang on to the highly profitable parts of its business like parcels, but ditch letters because they are less profitable. All mail products are essential to the service.

“Posties carry both parcels and letters of all shapes and sizes on their delivery rounds each day, they are complementary services.

“This kind of talk puts fear in to the thirty-three thousand hard-working postal workers who make sure Australians have access to a reliable mail service each day. They deserve better.”

Media contact: Jackie Woods 0414 241 483

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