The Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard has questioned Telstra’s decision to pull out of EA talks with the unions – and also questioned Telstra’s claim that their tender for the NBN project might be affected by a collective agreement. “The National Code and Guidelines for the Construction Industry do not in any way prevent a company subject to their operation
In a move designed to delay further the roll-out of a national broadband network (NBN), the Federal Opposition has set up a Senate Committee to inquire into Labor’s nation building project. The Opposition has used its current numbers in the Senate – due to change at the end of this month – to set up a Senate Select Committee which
A decision by the Remuneration Tribunal to give public office holders a 4.3% pay rise from 1 July 2008 sets the benchmark for what low paid working Australians should at least expect from the forthcoming Fair Pay Commission minimum wage case decision says the ACTU. The latest decision of the Remuneration Tribunal will add more than $5,000 a year to
Thanks for the interest and dedication of CEPU members in the region, the CEPU is proud to notify members of the re-invigoration of the ACT and Region sub branch. This re-invigoration was only possible with the interest and dedication of CEPU members in the region. The CEPU is proud to announce the election of the following Sub Branch officials: Mark
The Sydney Branch of the MUA invites all it’s CEPU friends and comrades and their families who assisted on the picket lines to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the return to work of Patrick workers with a free family carnival day with rides, activities, live music and food. Above: Branch Secretary Jim Metcher with then Branch Official, Ed Husic,
The 2008 Federal Budget is a good step towards undoing the damage of Work Choices and relieving the pressure on working Australians and their families.ACTU President Sharan Burrow said: “This Budget signals a clear break with the past and an end to the waste for the well-off and lazy neglect that marked the previous Liberal Government’s management of the Australian
Premier Morris Iemma today fled from the state Labor conference, just hours before a plan to privatise the state’s power industry was overwhelmingly rejected by party delegates. By a vote of 702 to 107, party delegates, including CEPU delegates, voted overwhelmingly to oppose the sell-off, pushing the Iemma Government into an ongoing conflict with ALP affiliated trade Unions and ALP