

False and misleading information about your National Office must be addressed

Our organisation exists to advance the interests of our members. And as a democratic organisation, every four years members vote to decide who will lead their Union for the coming term. The integrity of that democratic process, free from the interference of Officers of Branches in any official capacity, is incredibly important. However, in the lead up to this year’s

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Misleading EBA statements threaten bargaining at Telstra

Members may have recently received an EBA update originating from the CWU NSW T&S Branch making a number of statements in relation to the recommencement of bargaining with Telstra. The claims being made by the current T&S Branch Secretary, Dan Dwyer, are without foundation by an Official who has not been present in bargaining meetings and is not a member

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NSW P&T Branch Election Declaration

The Australian Electoral Commission has just issued its declaration of results for the scheduled election of officers for the NSW Postal & Telecommunications Branch. Speaking about the declaration, Branch Secretary Shane Murphy said, “To be elected to represent the members of our Union is truly an honour. “To be elected unopposed is an incredible endorsement of trust from our members

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May Day 2019 – free family fun day 5 May

Working Australians and their families are preparing to once again take to the streets to Change the Rules. Join us this coming Sunday and march with us to demand more secure work, better pay and a fairer future for our kids.  After the march, we’ll be celebrating May Day with free food, entertainment and kids rides. When: 11am, Sunday, 5 May 2019Where:

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One Network Trial: Stage Two expansions commence May and July

Over the past six months, members at 13 workplaces across the country have been participating in the One Network Trial. From Australia Post’s perspective, the trial seeks to deliver improved efficiencies through various rostering, scheduling, delivery transport and process changes. Rather than a blanket implementation of Australia Post’s changes, in-depth discussions has secured a unique opportunity for members to participate

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Half-hour work stoppages continue through Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised further industrial action to advance members’ claims for a new, fair EBA – including a pay rise that allows members’ families to keep pace with the cost of living. This action has been designed to allow members to send a clear message to Telstra that they deserve better, whilst minimising the impact on your

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Action notice: Casual clothing days and GOC work bans, next week

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised further protected action. Your Union is directing all members, employed by Telstra who are covered by the EBA (including AWA and ITEA): – Across all States and Territories to attend for duty wearing casual clothing for the duration of their engagement between 12:01am Tuesday 26 March and 11:59pm Friday 29 March 2019 and; – Employed at the Global Operations Centre (GOC) in Clayton, VIC to engage in protected action by banning

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Retail members win significant improvements to important allowances

The cost of living is always on the rise, and is often an unforgiving toll on the ability of our members and their families to meet their financial obligations. Whether it is the grocery bill, the petrol bill, or a family night out – everything is always going up. Your Union is constantly looking for ways to ease the burden

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Overtime bans at Telstra commence Wednesday

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised for protected industrial action in the form of indefinite overtime bans commencing on Wednesday, to follow our national strike on Tuesday. Therefore, the Union is directing all members employed by Telstra who are covered by the EBA (including AWA and ITEA) across all States and Territories to refuse to engage in any and all

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Telstra: On Tuesday, we STRIKE!

We wrote to you earlier this week to notify you of protected industrial action the CEPU had authorised to advance your claims for a new, fair Enterprise Agreement at Telstra – in particular, a ban on undertaking specific duties during unpaid time (log on / log off etc). This ban would’ve enabled members to send a clear message that you and your family

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