The Union representing communication workers today welcomed Labor’s announcement that it would maximise the use of fibre to the home in the NBN network rollout. The Union lamented the lost opportunity to ‘do it once, do it right’, due to the Coalition’s stubborn refusal to invest in fibre to the home, but said Labor’s plan would get the project back on
Job applicants are being sought on Australia’s ‘largest telecommunications project’ – the NBN – but the job applicants are not coming from where you might expect. “3 Years Work In Australia – Interviews in Ireland in June” begins an online job advertisement for $75,000 jobs on the National Broadband Network. “Experience in copper cable jointing is a must – expand your
Your Union has slammed NBN Co and the Turnbull Government over their attempts to cover up a failed NBN policy, and to bully whistleblowers who exposed those failures. CEPU Communications Divisional (National) Secretary Greg Rayner labelled it a “politically motivated attempt to cover-up Malcolm Turnbull’s NBN policy failures” and a “major step back in the protection of whistleblowers in Australia.” “The leaked
The maintenance backlog across Telstra’s 100-year-old copper network has reached crisis point over Christmas and January with no end in sight. “Maintenance and waiting time figures obtained by the CEPU and published today show Telstra’s chronic underinvestment in maintenance and repairs is catching up with them,” said Communication Electrical Plumbing Union (CEPU) NSW/ACT Assistant Secretary Shane Murphy “Over the past
MEDIA ALERT: Shane Murphy will be holding a media doorstop outside the community meeting Time: 11.15am. Wednesday 29th October Place: Dartmouth Hotel, 1 Murtagh Place Dartmouth PICTURES OF THE NETWORK AVAILABLE HERE: An audit of the state of the Telstra telephone network in Dartmouth has shown it is in a state of disrepair, with leaves and other debris found in
The Union representing NBN technicians is calling for the Federal Government to reject the Commission of Audit’s recommendation to axe the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency. CEPU NSW Assistant Secretary Shane Murphy said asbestos had a long and damaging history in Australia, and the recent rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) had once again seen asbestos exposure affect workers and residents in many states. The abolition of
Video from ABC’s 7:30 can be watched here: Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 09/07/2013 Reporter: Greg Hoy How will underperforming and financially troubled contractors as well as complaints of inadequate pay to others affect the rollout of Australia’s biggest infrastructure project, the National Broadband Network. Transcript LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: Sticking with politics, the Federal Government has long spruiked its National Broadband
By Jake Sturmer and Johanna McDiarmid (ABC) Updated Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:34am AEST VIDEO: Contractors have nicknamed the telecommunications pits ‘bag-dad’ (ABC News) PHOTO: The telecommunications pits have been nicknamed ‘bag-dad’ by contractors (ABC News) RELATED STORY: NBN Co urged to plan strategies in case of Coalition win MAP: Australia Unions have told the ABC that Telstra’s copper network is in a state of disrepair, with workers at
The signing of Definitive Agreements between Telstra, NBN Co and the Commonwealth for the rollout of the National Broadband Network is an historic moment for the Australian telecommunications sector but must be accompanied by training for workers and a guarantee of secure jobs. CEPU divisional secretary Cameron Thiele said the NBN was a massive project which would create employment opportunities
Optus CEO, Paul O’Sullivan, has put forward a number of controversial proposals for the future management and governance of the National Broadband Network (NBN). In line with Optus’ increasing concern that the NBN may become “another lumbering monopoly”, O’Sullivan suggested that its management could be put out to tender either on a national basis or even state-by-state to keep it