
NBN training must be a national priority

Skills related to both the construction and use of the National Broadband Network should be put high on the national training agenda the CEPU has said. The comments were made in the Communication Division’s submission to a House of Representatives inquiry into the role and potential of the NBN.  The inquiry will focus on the role that superfast broadband can

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Union meets with Telstra over NBN training

The CEPU have met again with Telstra to discuss how its $100 million government grant for NBN-related training will be used. The CEPU has been concerned to ensure that it had a role in oversighting the training programme. The union wants to make sure that any of its members affected by the NBN project have the best possible opportunities for

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CEPU seeks NBN funding for Post skills training

The CEPU has called on the Federal Government to provide $40 million of support to Australia Post’s Future Skills program. CEPU NSW State Secretary Jim Metcher appeared at the Federal Government’s inquiry into the NBN where he called for Government funding of at least $40 million to Australia Post’s Future Skills program. In August 2010, Australia Post announced that it

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CEPU close to finalising EA with NBN Co.

The CEPU is close to finalising an Enterprise Agreement that will cover technical staff directly employed by NBN Co. Negotiations began some time ago but were delayed due to uncertainties surrounding the National Broadband Network’s future, caused by Coalition policies announced during the federal election campaign. With the formation of Gillard Labor Government and the certainty of future of the NBN, the

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CEPU voices “misgivings” as NBN Co releases contractor short-list

The release of the NBN contractor short-list for construction of the NBN has prompted the CEPU to question the company’s employment model. NBN Co has now released the names of 21 companies which have been invited to tender for NBN work. It includes all the telecommunications contractor majors such as Visionstream, Service Stream, Transfield, Downer, Baulderstone and Silcar together with

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CEPU meets with Telstra over NBN

The CEPU met with Telstra recently to discuss the impact of the Telstra/NBN Co agreement on the company and its employees. Obviously the agreement, if it goes ahead, will bring about a radical restructuring of the company and its operations over the next decade. The CEPU wishes to ensure that its members are protected in this process and that new

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Agreement over NBN rollout good for jobs and national infrastructure

The Heads of Agreement signed yesterday between Telstra and the National Broadband Network Company is good news for jobs in Australia’s communications industry and good news for our national infrastructure says the ACTU and the CEPU. The deal announced by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Telstra CEO David Thodey will ensure NBN Co, the government-owned company rolling out the network,

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Media Release: NBN announcement offers way forward for collaboration

The major union within Telstra – Communications Electrical Plumbing Union (CEPU) – says today’s Federal Government announcement on the NBN brings greater certainty to the direction of the project – and offers an important lifeline to Telstra. “While we still want to review the details underpinning the announcement, there’s no doubt today represents a milestone for telecommunication users and the

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Opposition moves to delay broadband rollout

In a move designed to delay further the roll-out of a national broadband network (NBN), the Federal Opposition has set up a Senate Committee to inquire into Labor’s nation building project. The Opposition has used its current numbers in the Senate – due to change at the end of this month – to set up a Senate Select Committee which

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CEPU highlights skills shortage

The CEPU has told an inquiry into Australian regional and rural telecommunications services that skill shortages are contributing to network problems in these areas. Branch Organiser Shane Murphy, who reported to the inquiry on behalf of the Union, has also warned that without greater investment in training and in quality jobs, the telecommunications industry will not be able to deliver

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