

Telstra EA comes in to force

The Telstra EA was approved by Fair Work Australia today following an overwhelming yes vote by employees. The new EA will come in to force from next Friday, 24 September.


Members vote up Telstra EA

The approval of a new Union-negotiated collective agreement covering 10,000 employees at Telstra is a major achievement for Union members as provided for under the Fair Work Act 2009. The new enterprise agreement which was resoundingly approved by Telstra  workers, will deliver an initial 2% pay rise backdated to 1 July 2010 and further pay rises totalling 6% between now and October  2011 . Employee participation was exceptionally high with a 71% returning

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CEPU voices “misgivings” as NBN Co releases contractor short-list

The release of the NBN contractor short-list for construction of the NBN has prompted the CEPU to question the company’s employment model. NBN Co has now released the names of 21 companies which have been invited to tender for NBN work. It includes all the telecommunications contractor majors such as Visionstream, Service Stream, Transfield, Downer, Baulderstone and Silcar together with

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CEPU meets with Telstra over NBN

The CEPU met with Telstra recently to discuss the impact of the Telstra/NBN Co agreement on the company and its employees. Obviously the agreement, if it goes ahead, will bring about a radical restructuring of the company and its operations over the next decade. The CEPU wishes to ensure that its members are protected in this process and that new

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Visionstream EA update

Negotiations for an Enterprise Agreement with Visionstream have been progressing. The New EA will replace the current non-Union Employee Collective Agreement and Australian Workplace Agreements used by Visionstream under the Howard Workchoices legislation. There remain some key issues that are still require further negotiation, including salary increases and redundancy provisions. Visionstream members will be kept informed of progress.


Agreement over NBN rollout good for jobs and national infrastructure

The Heads of Agreement signed yesterday between Telstra and the National Broadband Network Company is good news for jobs in Australia’s communications industry and good news for our national infrastructure says the ACTU and the CEPU. The deal announced by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Telstra CEO David Thodey will ensure NBN Co, the government-owned company rolling out the network,

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Telstra to cut 900 jobs

The CEPU has condemned Telstra’s latest plans to cut 900 operations staff from its workforce during the next financial year. Telstra’s decision to slash jobs will see approximately 1 in 16 skilled employees removed from supplying quality service to Telstra customers. CEPU NSW Assistant Secretary Shane Murphy slammed the future job cuts which the union claims will severely impact on

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Telstra EA news

The CEPU is continuing to meet with Telstra to attempt to resolve outstanding pay issues in the proposed EA. Further discussions took place on 12th April. At this meeting the CEPU also requested a copy of a draft agreement which Telstra has prepared.  The union has subsequently received a copy of this document. While the document contains matters on which

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Telstra EA: where we are at

Members would already be aware of Telstra’s self labelled “final final offer”.  The CEPU has been holding discussions with members across the state to communicate the details of this offer and obtain members’ feedback. The details of Telstra’s offer so far    ·     Pay increases of 2% plus a 2.5% sign on bonus in 2009, 2% in July 2010, 2% in

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Telstra industrial action

Members are advised that Telstra has been informed that protected industrial action is to be carried out by CEPU members in the company this week. The protected action is as follows: 24 hour stoppage of work for CEPU members employed in Network Construction From 12:01am until 11:59pm Thursday 25 February 2010. and 24 hour stoppage of work for CEPU members

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