

The Union has continued to engage in bargaining with Telstra whilst entering into a consultation process with members over Telstra’s latest offer. In brief, Telstra’s proposal currently contains the following: A rollover of all existing terms and conditions. Clause 47 remains and will protect all existing conditions, for life, following a transfer of business to one of the planned subsidiaries.

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Telstra EA offer: we want to hear from members

The Union continues to engage in bargaining with Telstra for a new Enterprise Agreement, with the telco today providing its first complete proposal. The EA is being proposed to be split across four Agreements for each separate planned Telstra Group entity. Although Agreements for each subsidiary may be structured differently and contain different terminology, each EA will roll over all

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Telstra to bring forward 0.5% interim wage increase component

Earlier this year we wrote to you following Telstra’s decision to pay an interim pay rise to employees. This interim wage rise totalled 1.5% to Workstream employees, and provided a guaranteed pay pool of 1.5% to Job Family, from October 1. An additional 0.5% was to follow as an overall flat increase to all Band 2 to 4 employees once

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Telstra to pay interim wage rise

Ahead of Telstra’s annual remuneration review, and in recognition of the anniversary of the last annual wage rise under the current EBA, Telstra is proposing to pay interim wage rises to employees whilst negotiations for a new Agreement continues. Telstra have proposed to increase Workstream wages by 1.5% and provide a guaranteed pay pool of 1.5% for Job Family from

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Telstra seeking multiple agreements

The Union is engaging with Telstra in preparation for the next round of bargaining for a replacement to the current Telstra Enterprise Agreement 2019-2021. In discussions late last week, Telstra has made known its intention to seek a separate Enterprise Agreement for each of its proposed subsidiaries – ServeCo, InfraCo Fixed, InfraCo Towers and Retail – all of which are expected

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AWA/ITEA employees to move to Telstra EA

Members may have today been made aware that Telstra intends to move those employees who remain on a Howard Government WorkChoices era individual contract, to the Telstra EA. By doing so, terms and conditions of employment will be standardised across the workforce. Whilst this is the case, employees who may be receiving remuneration or terms greater than what is provided

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Telstra workers lock-in EBA

Following over 500 days of bargaining, Telstra workers across the country have voted to support their new EBA. The Agreement will now be lodged with the Fair Work Commission, by Telstra – a process we hope will not be overly delayed, given the time of year. The Agreement will come into force seven days after being approved by the Fair

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Your Agreement, Your Vote

It’s time to vote Following over 500 days of bargaining, it is time for you to vote on the new proposed Telstra enterprise agreement. CEPU members will be well aware that negotiations for this new enterprise agreement have not been easy.  With one of Australia’s largest job purges in corprorate history as the backdrop to negotiations, Telstra management have dug

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Telstra EBA Update: Over to you

Legal review Following our last bulletin, we instructed our legal team to conduct a review of Telstra’s final draft Agreement. The review, undertaken by lawyers instructed by the Union, has confirmed that the intent of outcomes negotiated by the CEPU and the SBU are indeed accurately reflected in the draft document and are legally enforceable. It must be noted that

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Telstra EBA Update: 17 September meeting

Talks continued with the Unions’ Single Bargaining Unit (SBU) and Telstra meeting this week to continue negotiations for a new agreement. LONG SERVICE LEAVE As members would now be well-aware, Telstra’s Long Service Leave (LSL) policy which takes effect from 1 January next year allows the company to direct employees whom have accumulated more than 90 days of long service

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