
Misleading EBA statements threaten bargaining at Telstra

Members may have recently received an EBA update originating from the CWU NSW T&S Branch making a number of statements in relation to the recommencement of bargaining with Telstra. The claims being made by the current T&S Branch Secretary, Dan Dwyer, are without foundation by an Official who has not been present in bargaining meetings and is not a member

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Talks with Telstra recommence with positive indications

Talks with Telstra for a new EBA 2019 recommenced today for the first time since suspending our ongoing campaign of protected industrial action. Talks kicked off to a positive start with a focus on addressing a number of outstanding matters of contention that are preventing us from reaching Agreement. Improving job security under new contracting out conditions Talks with Telstra

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Telstra action winds up with talks scheduled to recommence, next week

Last week we wrote to you advising that all indefinite protected action would cease following Telstra indicating a willingness to return to the bargaining table. As the last of our scheduled periodic stoppages wind up today, we’re please to report that talks with Telstra will officially recommence next week. Our first meeting is already scheduled for Tuesday, 7 May and

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Indefinite actions suspended as Telstra indicates willingness to return to bargaining

A breakthrough in the negotiations impasse with Telstra has been achieved and we are moving to suspend members’ engagement in certain forms of authorised and notified protected action, until further notice. NSW/ACT Secretary and Divisional President Shane Murphy said the breakthrough was achieved by members who have remained strong and united throughout the campaign. “We are encouraged by recent correspondence

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Half-hour work stoppages continue 23,24,26,29,30 April

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised further industrial action to advance members’ claims for a new, fair EBA – including a pay rise that allows members’ families to keep pace with the cost of living. This action has been designed to allow members to send a clear message to Telstra that they deserve better, whilst minimising the impact on your

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Half-hour work stoppages continue through Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised further industrial action to advance members’ claims for a new, fair EBA – including a pay rise that allows members’ families to keep pace with the cost of living. This action has been designed to allow members to send a clear message to Telstra that they deserve better, whilst minimising the impact on your

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Half-hour work stoppages Thursday 11, Friday 12 and Monday 15 April

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised further industrial action to advance members’ claims for a new, fair EBA – including a pay rise that allows members’ families to keep pace with the cost of living. This action has been designed to allow members to send a clear message to Telstra that they deserve better, whilst minimising the impact on your

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Telstra action notice: 24 hour strike – Wednesday

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised further industrial action to advance members’ claims for a new, fair EBA – including a pay rise that allows members’ families to keep pace with the cost of living. CEPU/CWU members, who are employees of Telstra and are covered by the EBA (including AWA and ITEA) across all States and Territories, are directed to engage

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Telstra’s bogus legal try-on to stop your action: fail

Your action is having an impact Field workforce members today engaged in protected action between 7:30am and 8:00am – a periodic work stoppage that will be repeated again this coming Monday, 8 April. The stoppages mean that members are not undertaking any duties ordinarily performed during these periods. Despite running to any journalist who will listen to them and asserting

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Action notice: work stoppages between 7:30am and 8:00am

The CEPU/CWU has notified and authorised further industrial action to advance members’ claims for a new, fair EBA – including a pay rise that allows members’ families to keep pace with the cost of living. This action has been designed to allow members to send a clear message to Telstra that they deserve better, whilst minimising the impact on your

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