

Any changes to Australia Post must enhance services and secure jobs

Today, the Federal Government released its discussion paper on modernising Australia Post, initiating a public consultation process, seeking comment and submissions prior to contemplating making any changes to the nation’s postal services. Foreshadowing our Union’s submission, any changes to Australia’s robust postal service must enhance our community services, not water them down, and continue to provide quality, secure jobs for

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Single site delivery mode trial to commence in April

In October last year, we advised that the Federal Government had requested an operational review of Government Business Enterprises, including Australia Post. Communications Minister Michelle Rowland directed for the review at Australia Post to primarily examine the ongoing sustainability of Australia Post’s delivery model, in the face of letter volume reduction and, importantly, for this review to occur completely internally,

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Decipha wages to increase by 6.1% following Union agreement

As members are well aware, off the back of a faster than expected economic rebound – inflation is soaring. When we wrapped up Decipha EBA negotiations, members overwhelmingly voted in favour of the Agreement. This EBA delivered a 3% per annum wage rise which, at the time of voting, was a market-leading wage outcome, with the nation’s leading economists predicting

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Optus Retail Bargaining: Claims that reflect your views

Late last year we shared the good news that Optus had agreed to sit down with your Union and negotiate a new Enterprise Agreement for Optus Retail employees – your opportunity to put your terms and conditions of employment on equal footing with employees across the rest of the telco. Our organisers have been out and about in Optus stores

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Congratulations to our lucky winners!

At 2pm AEDT, 10 lucky members who clicked through to our survey to update their member records with us were drawn randomly by computer – one member from each occupational group, from each state / territory covered by the CWU Central Branch. Although you may not have won, I want to thank every member who participated in this important campaign.

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Telstra: safety alert – electrical insulation gloves

Following concerns raised by members working at Telstra, the Union held discussions with the manufacturer of the electrical insulation gloves that are issued to members by Telstra, to seek clarity over the application of the Australian Standard Live working – electrical insulation gloves 60903:2022. It was apparent to us that current practices at Telstra weren’t compliant with the Standard. The Union

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YES! You did it: CWU members drag Optus Retail to the bargaining table

For far too long, members at Optus Retail have been treated differently to employees across the rest of the telco. Working under a sub-par, non-Union Enterprise Agreement that expired in 2016, so flawed that it failed the Fair Work Commission’s Better Off Overall Test, members were fed up with Optus outright refusing to sit down to negotiate a new Agreement.

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Update your membership details for a chance to win a $500 Christmas shopping spree!

Our team has been hard at work integrating our state of the art membership system across all five Central Branch states and territories to assist your Officials in building strength in your workplace. However, we know members often change phone numbers, email addresses, jobs and workplaces and it’s important that this information is kept up to date. That’s where you

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Telstra: Safety alert – Toyota Landcruiser wheel failure

The Union has been engaged in ongoing discussions with Telstra regarding members’ reports of wheels on LC70 GXL Toyota Landcruiser vehicles failing sporadically. This is a serious safety matter that may put members, and other road users, at risk. Telstra reports that they are continuing to work with Toyota and other suppliers to understand and address the root cause of

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Van scanners: safety checks, meal breaks

Members would be aware of the software update Australia Post rolled out onto drivers’ scanners earlier this week. This update has been rolled out without consultation. Ironically, van safety checks have been subject to dispute on previous occasions, including where members were expected to carry out pseudo mechanical checks on vans. On that occasion, we were able to drag Australia

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