Telstra EA: 80 weeks locked up – when members secure an agreed EA

eawebsmallMembers would be more than aware that Branch Assistant Secretary Shane Murphy, along with CEPU representatives from all states outside of Victoria have been locked out of formal EA talks by CWUnion Divisional Secretary Dan Dwyer, Divisional President Len Cooper and Divisional Assistant Secretary Ken Hardisty.

As such, we shared a number of letters with you from your NSW/ACT Branch Secretary Jim Metcher and Assistant Secretary Shane Murphy to Telstra calling for an early agreement to the continuance of the current EA’s redundancy benefits in any new EA to provide certainty to the workforce as we continue with bargaining.

For those not familiar with these letters, they can be viewed and downloaded by clicking the following links;

Following this exchange of letters, Telstra has today confirmed that it will not seek changes to the current EA redundancy provisions.

Members indicated very strongly that this was a matter of great importance to them following the weakened bargaining position caused by these same CWUnion Divisional Officials who have attempted to prevent Shane from attending bargaining, when they agreed without any consultation with members or their State Branch representatives across the country to a maximum of only 40 weeks redundancy in the new Telstra Modern Award.

This confirmation by Telstra provides some relief and certainty for members for now.

As our bargaining position has been weakened by having to seek agreement to keep something that should never have been up for grabs in the first place – focus can now turn to ensuring we can secure outcomes for members without having to trade-off on the other important matters members said they want addressed in any new EA such as:

  • Job bandingl;
  • Performance management;
  • GPS surveillance;
  • Hours of work;
  • 9 day fortnights (RDO);
  • Penalty rates; and
  • Overtime.


Members will be kept informed of further developments on bargaining.

If you have not yet signed the petition to have Branch Assistant Secretary Shane Murphy be your voice in formal bargaining, please click here to sign right now.

If you require any further information about any of the above matters, please contact Branch Assistant Secretary Shane Murphy or Branch Official Peter O’Connell on (02) 9893 7822.

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