Australia Post has today notified the Union and employees of its intention to wind down operations at its Decipha subsidiary, citing financial headwinds in its core business, along with unprofitability and declining market demand for Decipha’s services as reasons for ceasing operations in its entirety, by June 2025.
Decipha, first established as the e-Letters business, delivers tailored electronic mailroom management services to businesses and directly employs 321 Australians across the country.
The CWU will be engaging in consultation with Australia Post around the staged winding-down of the business.
As our economy continues to feel the impact of the post-COVID rebound and historic levels of inflation, we understand this news may be distressing for those employed at Decipha. The CWU will be engaging with Australia Post at the earliest opportunity to ensure the best possible outcomes are reached for every CWU member employed at the subsidiary – including maximising redeployment opportunities for those affected, within the Australia Post Group.
We will continue to communicate with members as the consultation process progresses.
In the meantime, should you require any further information, please contact Assistant Secretaries Cameron Bird, Peter Chaloner or Nick Townsend, or Branch Officials Cade Anderson, Lisa Bahls, Nick Bentley, Chris Gleeson, Phil Kessey, TK Ly, Robbie McLauchlan, Liam Murphy, Peter O’Connell, Brett O’Neill, Giselle Saba, Dharmpal Singh, Kerry Turner or Dennis Williams on (02) 9893 7822 when calling from NSW or the ACT, (07) 3255 0440 from QLD or (08) 8443 7389 from SA or the NT.
Yours faithfully,

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