

Telstra in siege mode

Some Managers are describing their current position as being  “Under Siege”. The financial community is belting Telstra’s senior management due to their self destruction in relation to their  N.B.N.  bid.   Without doubt, Telstra has given their competitors a massive free kick. The Telstra workforce is supporting widespread industrial disruption in many areas within the company right across Australia which could

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Can you trust Telstra’s advice

Telstra HR have been forced to admit that some local managers have given incorrect information to staff about redundancy rights in the latest agreement proposals.   As you know, Team leaders are not industrial relations experts, so it’s not surprising they make mistakes. They are also under huge pressure from above to get ECA votes through before workplace laws change. 

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Telstra’s Vegas extravaganza leaves employees furious

Telstra employees will be infuriated by today’s revelations that Telstra Directors are indulging in an extravagant, all-expenses paid weekend in Las Vegas, while at the same time refusing to negotiate a fair collective wage agreement for its workforce, according to their Union, the CEPU. The CEPU, has publicly condemned the perk-fest as a smack in the face to workers struggling

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CEPU applies for Telstra industrial action ballot

The CEPU will go to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission today to seek approval for a ballot of members to commence urgent industrial action across the country. CEPU National President Ed Husic said the union action follows Telstra’s failure to negotiate a collective agreement with its employees. “While Telstra’s Chief Executive Sol Trujillo makes a massive $13.4 million in pay

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Unfair subbies fines: smiles for some frowns for more

Following intervention from the CEPU on behalf of subcontractors over the issuing of fines to subcontractors from BSA, the majority of BSA subcontractors have had there fines removed. BSA have attempted to make an example out of a very limited amount of subcontractors and continue to apply the fines to them. The CEPU is seeking the appropriate advice to represent these subcontractors further

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Optus networks review

Optus has written to the CEPU notifying the Union that it is undertaking a review of the organisational structure of its Networks business unit. The company says the review will examine the unit’s engineering, operations and support functions with a view to ensuring that it can best function to support the company’s core objectives. It is interesting to note that

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Telstra employee emails to be retained for 7 years

Telstra HR have advised the CEPU that as from 21 October 2008, Telstra will retain a copy of all emails sent and received via the Telstra internal email system. Most employees are aware that their emails can be scrutinised now and should not be reassured by Telstra’s Workplace Surveillance policy. The emails will be stored for 7 years and can

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Members to consider industrial action

The CEPU has begun gearing up for industrial action to help members reach a new union collective agreement with Telstra.  Late last Friday, the union’s Divisional Executive gave the green light to consult members about the timing and staging of protected and prolonged industrial action. CEPU National President Ed Husic said that despite the best efforts of the CEPU, CPSU

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A great result, now let’s talk

Telstra employees have delivered a stunning rebuff to management by rejecting the two non-Union negotiated agreements voted on this week. By voting “NO” they have said that they simply don’t trust Telstra to do the right thing by them and offer them a fair deal. And they are asking why their Unions have been cut out of the negotiating process.

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Deputy PM: Telstra non-Union deal doesn’t stack up

Telstra is repeating history by rushing through non-union agreements in a race to beat the introduction of fairer workplace laws. Want the proof? The Federal Government has completed a review of Telstra’s proposed non-union agreements. It has put Telstra’s non-union agreements up for scrutiny against the proposed new workplace laws. And guess what? Telstra’s offer is seriously lacking in many

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