
Media Release: Nationwide Postal stoppages – Wednesday and Thursday

The major Union covering employees within Australia Post has announced that from tomorrow it would be commencing a series of work stoppages across the country. The decision comes in response to Australia Post’s recent action to notify staff that they would not be paid for any day on which they engaged in partial work bans (see attached). “From the outset

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How much pay can Post withhold for stoppages of varying lengths?

Over the past few days there has been a significant number of reports and gossip regarding management releasing misleading information of Australia Post intentions of withholding a full day’s pay if members take part in stoppages of less than a full shift. Most of these reports and gossip etc seemed to have emanated from confusion due to the deliberate wording

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Partial work bans: Australia Post provokes strikes

Yesterday the Union was contacted by members across the country after they began receiving correspondence from Australia Post titled “Partial Work Ban Notice to Employees – Non Payment”. Members are furious because they know Post is, yet again, taking an unnecessarily harsh legal stance, rather than dealing with your concerns and resolving this dispute. The CEPU understands that under the

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You get your say: Ballot to go ahead in Post

Late yesterday Fair Work Australia (FWA) approved our application to hold a ballot of Union members for protected industrial action in Post. Post has spent the biggest part of this year rejecting your claims.  Then Post spent big money to stop members from having their say in a protected action ballot. But now you WILL have your say.  Now it’s

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Telstra EA: Critical stage of negotiations

Negotiations between Telstra and the Unions have now reached a very complex and delicate stage. Over the past 48 hours there has been, it is fair to say some positive indications from Telstra in relation to some (but not all) issues that remain in dispute. Both the Telstra Management and the CEPU Divisional Executive are still considering the current position.

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Putting spotlight on Post’s sick policies

The CEPU has welcomed today’s move by Senators Steve Fielding (Family First) and Dana Wortley (ALP) to set up a special Senate inquiry to investigate concerns that Australia Post has been forcing its injured staff back to work well before they have recovered from workplace injuries. “This is a tremendous move, which will help put a massive spotlight on unsafe

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Telstra EA Update

After Telstra rolled out their disappointing pay offer, things have quietened down on the EA front.But we’re getting messages from members informing us that some local managers are being quite … “inventive” … when it comes to briefing employees on the state of play with the EA talks. For the record, if a manager tells you the Union is happy

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ABC’s 7:30 Report: Australia Post’s return to work policy under scrutiny

ABC’s 7:30 Report recently broadcasted a special investigative report into Australia Post’s return to work policy. If you didn’t catch the report on TV, click the play button on the video below to begin watching online.


CEPU presents Australia Post with a fair EBA7 proposal members want

Your Union has presented Australia Post with a fair EBA7 proposal that advances claims to protect your job security, safety at work and take-home pay. Last week, Australia Post spent truckloads of capital on high-priced lawyers to shut down members overwhelming voting intentions for supporting protected industrial action given the Union campaign escalating to another level for reaching a new

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Australia Post scared of your powerful vote

From the moment WorkChoices was introduced, Australia Post has tried everything it can to take away your conditions and entitlements. Today, they were able to temporarily stop you from accessing another right: your democratic right to vote in a protected action ballot.  Why? Because senior management is scared their employees will support industrial action. Post spent a truckload of dollars

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