CEPU National President and CEPU Communications Division Secretary, Ed Husic today appeared before the Senate Inquiry into the Rudd Government’s Fair Work Bill today on behalf of CEPU members. Mr Husic, in his appearance before the Inquiry, urged the Committee to consider the CEPU’s proposals on strengthening the Bill in some aspects, but welcomed other areas of improvement as against
Today’s edition of The Australian contains a piece that will make you double take so hard you’ll hear your neck click. The article is titled: “Telstra attacks human rights record”. It quotes from a Telstra submission to a national human rights inquiry. Its comments were so strident that even the Chair of the Panel, Father Brennan was quoted as saying:
The passage of the $42 billion economic stimulus package through Parliament is good for jobs and good for working Australians. ACTU President Sharan Burrow said the package was urgently needed to boost demand and confidence in our economy and is strongly supported by workers, business and mainstream economists. “As a nation, we must do everything we can to save jobs
The Australian Council of Trade Unions has expressed its sadness and condolences at the devastation caused by the weekend fires in Victoria, including the tragic loss of more than 170 lives. Several Union members have lost their homes and many thousands are affected. Unions have pledged $250,000 and are asking other Union members and supporters to donate to the Red
As part of the ongoing campaign for a fair, transparent Union EBA, Telstra workers held a series of community events and protests on Monday 9 February. Industrial action occurred and was well adhered to by the membership across Australia, with the exception of Victoria, where Union members elected to defer their planned stoppages due to the worsening bushfire tragedy. CEPU
Telstra customers are advised that services are likely to be potentially disrupted from the weekend onwards as Telstra workers take part in five days of rolling stoppages, the Communications Electrical and Plumbing Union (CEPU) announced today. Protests will be held in Sydney and Melbourne on Monday, marking a further escalation of industrial action against Telstra over its refusal to negotiate
Some Managers are describing their current position as being “Under Siege”. The financial community is belting Telstra’s senior management due to their self destruction in relation to their N.B.N. bid. Without doubt, Telstra has given their competitors a massive free kick. The Telstra workforce is supporting widespread industrial disruption in many areas within the company right across Australia which could
Telstra HR have been forced to admit that some local managers have given incorrect information to staff about redundancy rights in the latest agreement proposals. As you know, Team leaders are not industrial relations experts, so it’s not surprising they make mistakes. They are also under huge pressure from above to get ECA votes through before workplace laws change.
Telstra employees will be infuriated by today’s revelations that Telstra Directors are indulging in an extravagant, all-expenses paid weekend in Las Vegas, while at the same time refusing to negotiate a fair collective wage agreement for its workforce, according to their Union, the CEPU. The CEPU, has publicly condemned the perk-fest as a smack in the face to workers struggling
The CEPU will go to the Australian Industrial Relations Commission today to seek approval for a ballot of members to commence urgent industrial action across the country. CEPU National President Ed Husic said the union action follows Telstra’s failure to negotiate a collective agreement with its employees. “While Telstra’s Chief Executive Sol Trujillo makes a massive $13.4 million in pay