

Following many months of discussions with Australia Post, I am pleased to report to members that your Union has secured a significant increase to the Retail shoe subsidy. Members’ feedback has been consistent – the shoe subsidy was out of date and no longer kept pace with the reality of our retail members’ footwear requirements. As such, we have secured

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Save Civic Square Post Office

Postal workers will be campaigning in Canberra on Monday 31 October, protesting moves to rob Canberrans of their local post office. The popular Civic Square Post Office is scheduled to shut its doors for the last time in November following unsuccessful lease negotiations. Communication Workers Union Central Branch Secretary, Shane Murphy, said plans to permanently shut the local Civic Square

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Aggressive customers will be asked to leave post offices following landmark win

To feel safe at work is a fundamental right of every worker in this country. Unfortunately, for a number of members in retail, this has not necessarily been the case at times. We all understand, from a customer’s perspective, that time is valuable. And as Australia Post continues to dish up staffing review after staffing review calling for more reductions

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Retail members win significant improvements to important allowances

The cost of living is always on the rise, and is often an unforgiving toll on the ability of our members and their families to meet their financial obligations. Whether it is the grocery bill, the petrol bill, or a family night out – everything is always going up. Your Union is constantly looking for ways to ease the burden

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Footwear and Hosiery allowances apply to all retail staff

Branch Officials are currently visiting retail workplaces across NSW and the ACT and a matter which continues to be raised is about members’ entitlements to various clothing related allowances. Members should take note of the allowances below and ensure their purchases meet guidelines and any style requirements provided for in the Clothing Manual. Shoe allowance – Retail employees are entitled

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Lock up your elderly – Teddies in Santa hats are coming for them

There has been another light bulb over the head moment at Retail management headquarters – this time it involves visiting nursing homes and retirement villages to prey on the vulnerable elderly for sales. Some bright go-getter has decided to shortly send retail staff out in droves to community care facilities armed with Christmas catalogues, products and bags of cash along

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Westpac, NAB join CBA and Australia Post to deliver a win for jobs and local communities

Your Union has today welcomed Westpac and NAB’s decision to invest in local communities through vital banking services to be offered across Australia Post outlets. This follows the Commonwealth Bank’s announcement last week to commit to Australia Post’s Bank@Post service. We’re now calling on ANZ to follow suit in committing to this important service for their customers across the country. The Australia

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CBA / Australia Post deal a win for jobs and local communities

Your Union is calling on the other big three banks to follow the lead of the Commonwealth Bank and commit to investing in providing local communities with vital banking services via Australia Post outlets. The CBA and Australia Post have today announced a deal that will see the bank provide critical investment in Australia Post’s Bank@Post service. The agreement will

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Pay ‘check’ – Retail members short changed on allowances

The CEPU has become concerned that some members within Australia Post Retail may have been short changed on allowances. Members who were required to step up and undertake various manager’s duties while a recent two day-long PMs conference was underway have complained of not being paid the higher duties allowance they are entitled to. Under your EBA, higher duties allowance

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Identity security of 1.9 million guaranteed as Australia Post continues to provide passport services

In some good news for the Australian public, and our Retail members, Australia Post has confirmed it will continue to be the provider of passport services on behalf of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for at least the next three years. The new agreement, which commences on 1 July 2018, will see Australia Post continue to provide

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