Attention Australia Post retail employees. By now you would be aware of Australia Post’s plans to reshape the retail network across the country including the introduction of a number of flagship ‘super post offices’. As a result of these proposed changes, the CEPU is deeply engaged with Post in negotiating a Retail Services Transformation Agreement (RSTA). TheRSTAis crucial to ensure
Please be aware of the following Christmas arrangements which apply to Retail and Business Centre workplaces from 1 December 2011. Christmas Public Holidays Members who perform duty on any of the following days are to be paid public holiday rates of pay (2.5 times in total). Monday 26 December 2011 Tuesday 27 December 2011 Christmas Day Substitute Holiday
Australia Post launched plans for a new Post Office Retail Store and improved training for retail employees last week. ‘The ‘post office of the future’ will offer a range of new services to customers and greater access, convenience and choice in the way they transact with Australia Post. A key feature of the announcement was the Future Skills Training program for frontline employees.
The Union over recent weeks has had cause to intervene on extended trading hours and CCTV matters of concern that has resulted in high level discussions with Australia Post at the state level. Extended Trading Hours at Australia Post Retail Outlets It is understood that two Area Managers has caused some significant grief with Retail employees at all levels in
Glebe residents, whose Post Office shuts for good this week, will receive a vastly inferior postal service from the main street’s new stamp-selling convenience store, the CEPU Postal Union said today. Australia Post announced this week it will set up a Community Postal Agency offering limited postal services out of the main street’s Lucky 7 Convenience Store, to replace the Post
Australia Post must do everything in its power to retain local Post Offices and ensure communities have access to postal services, the CEPU Communications Union said today, following news reports a string of post offices in Sydney and nationwide are to be closed down. “Australia Post has promised the union that it will do everything possible to turn around profitability
The CEPU recently received a letter from Australia Post management advising they intend to externally recruit some Postal Manager positions due to a high percentage of the workforce coming up to retirement age in the Retail areas. The NSW CEPU Branch Committee of Management took a decision at its last meeting to oppose any such plan by Australia Post for